sobota, 27 października 2012

czwartek, 18 października 2012

 I'm gonna be all alone for the rest of my life because no one will EVER be as perfect as Jensen Ackles.

środa, 17 października 2012

struggling to breathe again.

 I expected It would be hard. But not that much. I thought I have all of this is behind me. That I got over with it. She helped me realised that I can't shake it off like snap of my fingers. 

Everybody's been abandoned and left a little empty-handed.

 I wanna be able to enjoy the little things. Like smile from a child, nice weather, gold trees, people around me, great books, mesmerising music, each new follower on tumblr/fashiolista/deviantart... 

I wanna be brave enough to be happy.

czwartek, 4 października 2012

Why can I make everyone happy but me?

abandonment, abandonment, abandonment.

I can't mobilize myself to do simply anything. I should learn, read and make my matriculation presentation. And I sit on my ass doing nothing. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hate myself.